
OnWindowsyoucanuseoneofthefollowingoptionstoinstalltheapp:TheInstaller(setup.exe)·Portablezippackage·Scooppackagefromtheextrasbucket.,2022年7月10日—CopyQ是一款多功能的剪貼簿管理器,開啟CopyQ...0Portable免安裝中文版【軟體官網】:【軟體介紹】:.CopyQ是一款多 ...,2023年9月4日—說明介紹·支援Linux、Windows和OSX10.15+·儲存文字、HTML、圖片或任何其他自定義格式·快速瀏覽和過...


On Windows you can use one of the following options to install the app: The Installer (setup.exe) · Portable zip package · Scoop package from the extras bucket.

CopyQ 6.2.0 免安裝中文版

2022年7月10日 — CopyQ 是一款多功能的剪貼簿管理器,開啟CopyQ ... 0 Portable 免安裝中文版【軟體官網】: 【軟體介紹】:. CopyQ 是一款多 ...

CopyQ 7.1.0 可攜式版for Windows

2023年9月4日 — 說明介紹 · 支援Linux、Windows 和OS X 10.15+ · 儲存文字、HTML、圖片或任何其他自定義格式 · 快速瀏覽和過濾剪貼簿歷史記錄中的專案 · 排序、建立、編輯、 ...

CopyQ 8.0.0 免安裝中文版

免費又好用的剪貼簿軟體- CopyQ,它有獨特的「分頁」模式!可以使用內建編輯器事先編輯儲存固定的剪貼簿內容,當手動切換到某個自訂分頁時,自動採用該分頁的自訂剪貼 ...

CopyQ Download Free

5 天前 — CopyQ · Support for Linux, Windows and OS X 10.9+; Store text, HTML, images or any other custom formats · Tab item limit has been increased to ...

CopyQ Portable (clipboard manager)

2021年6月17日 — Quickly browse and filter items in clipboard history. Sort, create, edit, remove, copy/paste, drag'n'drop items in tabs. Add notes or tags to ...

CopyQ Portable 7.1.0 (clipboard manager with advanced ...

2023年9月4日 — CopyQ Portable has been released. CopyQ is a clipboard manager with advanced features for 64-bit Windows only.

Download CopyQ Portable

CopyQ Portable is a software tool that was developed in order to help individuals store more items in the Clipboard and manage them more efficiently. Take it ...


On Windows you can use any of the following options to install CopyQ: Installer (setup.exe) · Portable zip package · Scoop package from the extras bucket ... News

5 天前 — Portable software for cloud, local, and portable USB drives · CopyQ Portable 8.0.0 (clipboard manager with advanced features) Released.